時候有提到想購買[美國直購] Vitamix 15848 Eastman Tritan Copolyester Soft-Grip 64-Ounce Container with Wet Blade and Lid 容杯 含刀片但又不知道哪裡買
Vitamix Eastman Tritan Copolyester Soft-Grip 64-Ounce Container with Wet Blade and Lid
Large 64-ounce container designed for the Vita-Mix appliance
Hardened stainless-steel blades ensure smooth blending
Comfortable nonslip-grip handle; drip-free spout; raised calibrations
Spill-proof vented lid with measuring cap; virtually unbreakable
Measures 7-1/2 by 9 by 13-1/2 inches; 3-year warranty
Additional container or replacement for the Vitamix. The container is oversized, 64-ounce capacity made from Eastman Tritan copolyester material that is virtually unbreakable, more chemical resistant and contains no BPA. This see-through, no-drip spout container lets you witness the processing from start to finish. It features raised calibrations for easily measuring ingredients in ounces, cups or metrics. Container includes wet blade and 2-part locking lid designed for easy removal. Hardened stainless steel blades break down food and ice inside the container for consistently smooth results. Lid has removable plug marked with measurements and allows ingredients to be added while processing. Spill proof lid vents to allow hot or cold food to expand and contract. Container has soft-grip handle for a comfortable, non-slip grasp.
Product Dimensions 7.5 x 9 x 13.5 inches
Item Weight 3 pounds
Shipping Weight 3 pounds
Manufacturer Vitamix
ASIN B001949US4
Origin USA
Item model number 15848
Vitamix Eastman Tritan Copolyester Soft-Grip 64-Ounce Container with Wet Blade and Lid
Large 64-ounce container designed for the Vita-Mix appliance
Hardened stainless-steel blades ensure smooth blending
Comfortable nonslip-grip handle; drip-free spout; raised calibrations
Spill-proof vented lid with measuring cap; virtually unbreakable
Measures 7-1/2 by 9 by 13-1/2 inches; 3-year warranty
Additional container or replacement for the Vitamix. The container is oversized, 64-ounce capacity made from Eastman Tritan copolyester material that is virtually unbreakable, more chemical resistant and contains no BPA. This see-through, no-drip spout container lets you witness the processing from start to finish. It features raised calibrations for easily measuring ingredients in ounces, cups or metrics. Container includes wet blade and 2-part locking lid designed for easy removal. Hardened stainless steel blades break down food and ice inside the container for consistently smooth results. Lid has removable plug marked with measurements and allows ingredients to be added while processing. Spill proof lid vents to allow hot or cold food to expand and contract. Container has soft-grip handle for a comfortable, non-slip grasp.
Product Dimensions 7.5 x 9 x 13.5 inches
Item Weight 3 pounds
Shipping Weight 3 pounds
Manufacturer Vitamix
ASIN B001949US4
Origin USA
Item model number 15848
[美國直購] Vitamix 15848 Eastman Tritan Copolyester Soft-Grip 64-Ounce Container with Wet Blade and Lid 容杯 含刀片 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
下個星期就要迎接母親節的到來,不少民眾選擇帶媽媽吃大餐,各式甜點業者也開始搶餐後甜點商機,Krispy Kreme將自5月8日推出限量的母親節甜甜圈,並祭出單筆消費滿指定額度送折價券、紅茶兌換券的優惠;MisterDonut今年則是首次推出期間限定小禮盒,不僅禮盒包裝有特別設計,專屬提袋上也印有祝福字樣,要陪天下的媽媽一起度過母親節。
迎接母親節到來,Krispy Kreme將自5月8日到5月14日推出限量的「花獻媽咪」甜甜圈新品,售價1個50元,選用消費者喜愛的靜岡抹茶巧克力沾醬為基底甜甜圈,撒上滿滿的綠色巧克力米,搭配一朵造型可愛的小紅花,萬綠叢中一點紅,彷彿真的送了一朵花給媽媽。
除了限量款的甜甜圈之外,Krispy Kreme表示,即日起到5月31日,只要單筆消費中購買12入盒販甜甜圈,就可獲得100元抵用券,每筆消費限得1張,而同樣期間內,消費金額只要滿180元,還可獲得價值85元的萊姆蜜香紅茶兌換券。
此外,為了因應母親節到來,MisterDonut特別裝飾迷你紅愛心在甜甜圈體,傳達對媽媽愛的心意,禮盒包裝也以便利又精緻的抽屜盒裝為設計概念,搭配專屬提袋,提袋上特別印有「Just for you & me」字樣,要陪天下的媽媽一起度過母親節。
商場百貨交通部考量現行大客車輪椅區設置,多以一至二處為限,致使身心障礙者與行動不便者團體出遊屢受限制,為鼓勵及協助身心障礙者與行動不便者走出家門,且因應老年化社會發展趨勢,及?量業者營運之需求等面向,規劃通用無障礙大客車服務,除納入通用設計公平使用、彈性使用、簡易、容易理解、省力等原則,提昇搭乘便利性外,並以強化身心障礙者(及其輪椅)網友一致推薦 使用需求及落實相關安全防護(快拆型束縛設施、三點式安全帶等)為主軸,打造一個安全舒適乘車環境。
[美國直購] Vitamix 15848 Eastman Tritan Copolyester Soft-Grip 64-Ounce Container with Wet Blade and Lid 容杯 含刀片 推薦, [美國直購] Vitamix 15848 Eastman Tritan Copolyester Soft-Grip 64-Ounce Container with Wet Blade and Lid 容杯 含刀片 討論, [美國直購] Vitamix 15848 Eastman Tritan Copolyester Soft-Grip 64-Ounce Container with Wet Blade and Lid 容杯 含刀片 部落客, [美國直購] Vitamix 15848 Eastman Tritan Copolyester Soft-Grip 64-Ounce Container with Wet Blade and Lid 容杯 含刀片 比較評比, [美國直購] Vitamix 15848 Eastman Tritan Copolyester Soft-Grip 64-Ounce Container with Wet Blade and Lid 容杯 含刀片 使用評比, [美國直購] Vitamix 15848 Eastman Tritan Copolyester Soft-Grip 64-Ounce Container with Wet Blade and Lid 容杯 含刀片 開箱文, [美國直購] Vitamix 15848 Eastman Tritan Copolyester Soft-Grip 64-Ounce Container with Wet Blade and Lid 容杯 含刀片?推薦, [美國直購] Vitamix 15848 Eastman Tritan Copolyester Soft-Grip 64-Ounce Container with Wet Blade and Lid 容杯 含刀片 評測文, [美國直購] Vitamix 15848 Eastman Tritan Copolyester Soft-Grip 64-Ounce Container with Wet Blade and Lid 容杯 含刀片 CP值, [美國直購] Vitamix 15848 Eastman Tritan Copolyester Soft-Grip 64-Ounce Container with Wet Blade and Lid 容杯 含刀片 評鑑大隊, [美國直購] Vitamix 15848 Eastman Tritan Copolyester Soft-Grip 64-Ounce Container with Wet Blade and Lid 容杯 含刀片 部落客推薦, [美國直購] Vitamix 15848 Eastman Tritan Copolyester Soft-Grip 64-Ounce Container with Wet Blade and Lid 容杯 含刀片 好用嗎?, [美國直購] Vitamix 15848 Eastman Tritan Copolyester Soft-Grip 64-Ounce Container with Wet Blade and Lid 容杯 含刀片 去哪買?